OK❕ finally done! A #valveplug infographic thread
(Based mostly on TFO and IDW but might fit most continuities)
It’s a mix of info i’ve read, seen, and personally headcannoned (therefore more suited to my specific intrests). Exploring the organs, processes, and mechanisms involved. (1/10)
(Based mostly on TFO and IDW but might fit most continuities)
It’s a mix of info i’ve read, seen, and personally headcannoned (therefore more suited to my specific intrests). Exploring the organs, processes, and mechanisms involved. (1/10)
I always wanted to explore this stuff from more creative perspective than just projecting organics onto robots
But was always kind of too shy to bother
I'm very grateful, this is very inspiring
(also very pleasant to read for someone who likes machinery)
I’m gonna call the ensamble of all sex (interface) related systems the [Interface array] that includes the obvious like: dick(spike) and hole(valve) but also the panels protecting them, ports, etc.
I’ll explore PnP, the chemical part, and spark bonding on another thread. (2/10)
seems to be the most external part of the array, beeing a part of the armor.
It’s mechanism depends on the design of each bot (image: TFO Pax and D-16)
I personally don’t think cogless bots can have sticky interfacing because a lot of transforming mechanisms are involved) (3/10)
I lowkey HATE when it looks like a human dick :/
So! moving parts, calipers, biolights etc! As highly adaptable and personalizable organs(systems?) very few spikes stay as they are first forged for long!
Sadistics bots even turn theirs into instruments of torture instead of pleasure! (4/10)
Pleasure comes in equal parts from the calipers pressing and passing charge from and to the spike, the inner mesh(which is highly conductive) getting squished around and the ceiling node(main caliper) getting bumped into (5/10)
REALLY not into ANY kind of preg but it’s basically canon :/ makes good horror at least)
Usual procedure: spark buds off from the sire’s (or sires’) carrier needs regular transfluid to build the egg, lays it, it incubates OUTSIDE in an incubator, until sparkling is done (6/10)
They keep the sensitive systems sealed until needed, ment to be opened, therefore pliable, spike and valve seals usually have the same patterns, once opened they might fall off entirely.
Once the seals are open ports take on their functionon and are quite more durable. (7/10)