The purpose of the system is to pay for medical expenses. There's simply no reason why there needs to be a private option. Competition would only drive down care because the inefficiency in cost is the profit margin.
They have one job: pay for expenses. There's no reason for a profit motive at all.
They have one job: pay for expenses. There's no reason for a profit motive at all.
These are complex procedures that require months of preparation and waiting. The drag on the system would be insane.
There are valid reasons to get them, but very few of them are necessary.
But you know that elective/aesthetic surgery is not what we were talking about.
I got a nose job that was somewhat medical, as it helped my breathing to a non-negligible degree, but not to an extent that the NHS would deal with it.
Like I said there are medically valid reasons for elective surgery.
When insurance isn’t dealing with life threatening conditions, it’s an amazing value add.
I also had the same thing for the same reasons, told to me by a doctor in Minnesota.