I’m still in shock as to how that meeting went…. Zelensky handled himself professionally and diplomatically - not the same for our three-ring circus of neglected children throwing temper tantrums.
Americans call the Whitehouse and your representatives and let them know how Trump and Vance are pieces of shit and they do not represent the heart of America! Fill their email inbox and voice mails!
Today we witnessed two opposite ends of the spectrum of class, quality of character, leadership, diplomacy, intelligence, eloquence, and every other human characteristic.
I understand he is taking the high road but he needs to call out the bullying and unwelcoming behavior he endured. Call it out. We need to stop being polite to rude ppl.
He was impeached for that.
Long gone are the days of holding this orange monster accountable apparently.
Trump is a Russian agent. This was a set up. How embarrassing for the USA