Regional pro/rel - leading eventually to National Pro/rel has existed in some countries and some sports but not nearly enough. That is where grassroots innovations come from - getting to the next level or staying at your level when everyone else is innovating to beat you. It’s innovate or go down.
Don't worry, the people who want to be good will work it all out before the people who want to be comfortable have to lift a finger. Innovation and progress is always achieved by the people who want to be good. People who want to stay the same benefit after the fact. You don't have to do anything.
You're a casual fan - you don't recognize the difference between the people who are serious and the passengers. There's nothing wrong with being a passenger and just wanting things to stay the same. People who want to be good just won't be waiting for your permission to move forward.
“MLS seems simultaneously too American for most international football fans . . . and too international for the casual American sports lover.” 🧠