Following in's footsteps bc a good meme is a good meme, yes? Yes.
Consider an AU where brotherly concern/affection outweighs ambition.
The line of Lucis Caelum is considered cursed after Somnus declares *fuck your prophecy* and subdues his brother without killing him or locking him away.
He’s not quite sane but he’s frequently lucid. And all in the family and their shields are trained to subdue him when the daemons become too much.
Faithful has COMMENTARY.
Alex stands by what he said. Faithful is best constellation.
Faithful is mollified.
Okay I say jazz age but i MEAN between the 1890s and 1920s. Turks on horses, that’s what I mean.
Also Rufus. Rufus on a white gelding with a black wolfdog.
And he is fine, and maybe he saves the other Shittenou, and maybe not.
And Saffir took THAT personally.