Putin's friend and part-time president of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" Mikhail Kovalchuk demanded that the West pay Russia money for air.
He reasoned Russia has the largest forest area, and it cleans the planet.
And what do Russian wars do to the planet...
He reasoned Russia has the largest forest area, and it cleans the planet.
And what do Russian wars do to the planet...
If you wanna fix climate change then you must first oust the Russian terrorist regime!
People who put Climate crisis above Ukraine crisis,
don't understand we can't solve shit until rule based world order is restored, sigh.
Slava Ukraini!
Trees and forests are CO2 buffers, they absorb CO2 as the trees grow; release CO2 as wood is burned or naturally decomposes.
A forest neither adds nor subtracts CO2 once its biomass has reached an equilibrium.
ashamed of nothing
offended by everything
always demanding
A napoli vendo l'aria in bottigliette ai turisti cretini, potrebbero farlo anche loro. Dopo di che, dovrebbero pagare 100.000 volte di più l'occidente per l'aria e il clima rovinato dalle loro stupide guerre !!!
Hey maybe next time they'll ask money to stop their invasion ? 🙃