I have tried endlessly to point out to white environmentalists that social justice and environmentalism cannot be separated - but for the past year it feels like it has fallen on mostly deaf ears.
The silence on Gaza from ‘educated’ white privilege has been baffling, frustrating & devastating.
The silence on Gaza from ‘educated’ white privilege has been baffling, frustrating & devastating.
Reposted from
THREAD ECO-APARTHEID Gaza is currently experiencing the largest slaughter of men, women and children in decades and a destruction rate that has produced over 40 million tonnes of rubble that will take over a decade to clear.👇
By definition, movements for change need outsiders, people who are on the margins who don’t accept what’s statistically average.
Class is a big one too I think.
It needs more of us though. Activism & protest work eventually.
Our politicians only have public permission until enough of us demand change.
We got rid of a lot of proper wrong’uns at the last election but it was not enough, we must keep holding them to account.
But on here it’s been eerily quiet on this too, with no algorithm.
It’s weird that other topics get more engagement from such a highly educated community.
people know that movements for change, on both social & environmental issues, begin with education, knowledge sharing, grass roots level engagement, building & supporting activism, sharing posts, campaigns & stories.
The devastation there is British & USA racist colonialism.
The carbon footprint of Israel’s genocide on Gaza is bigger than entire countries.