He's getting such a hard time about it in the press here, though. I'm proud that he had the guts to say what most people are thinking. Our state election is on Saturday, so anything he says is highly scrutinised at the moment.
Wonkette calls him any number of variations on “human pile of butthair” but “knob” is much more succinct. I stick with “Junior Varsity” because thinking any longer about him is bad for me. 😉😄
the breathlessness of this obvious statement is amusing to me.
it's not even that trump is smart, he represents the same cultural rot and flop sweat for our empire as joe biden did. we are an emotionally immature people with nukes.
My father encountered Australians in the Western Desert during WW2.
He was always immensely impressed by their ability to come up with sentences made up completely of obscenities and still make complete sense.
it's not even that trump is smart, he represents the same cultural rot and flop sweat for our empire as joe biden did. we are an emotionally immature people with nukes.
Awks for Aukus?
That's a pri*k..!
He was always immensely impressed by their ability to come up with sentences made up completely of obscenities and still make complete sense.
#StopVance #EndTheRegime