That would depend on what we are getting. We live in an area what has a ton of other option. Bulk stuff BJ’s, local pet store for animal stuff, grocery stores and farms for food.
We stopped giving our money to companies we don’t agree with long time ago. Never Walmart, hobby lobby, walgreen or even chick-fil-a ( which we call hate chicken )
Local shops to my area. We have great book stores here and a comic shops that have toys, electronics and media stuff. And clothes is everywhere a smaller stores the a target.
Target may be especially vulnerable to boycott since they tend to be located in more suburban areas where there are many more choices as mentioned, unlike, say,Tractor Supply or Walmart. (Closest TGT for me is an hour away). Plus their customer base skews more blue. This seems risky.
For me it first shop locally own small businesses first, Costco then. Food first small locally owned Mexican meat markets before any big grocery store.
Watch the documentary Buy Now. Sane minded Americans need to knock it off with consumption. If there’s one thing we can learn whilst resisting this oligarchy is to stop putting money in their pockets and trash in the sea. Shop as little and as local as possible. Pass it on!
Still have a DVD player for media, and libraries. Used clothes.
Gap brands (Old Navy, Gap, Banana Republic, athleta) are still supporting DEI if new is needed