Ah, but see it IS that serious, my brotha. Minors have no business making those sort of remarks towards adults. Period. Even if it’s just two words, we cannot ignore what the joke means in the grand scheme of things. Less is more. And Serena is justified holding him accountable for it.
Ah, but see it IS that serious, my brotha. Minors have no business making those sort of remarks towards adults. Period. Even if it’s just two words, we cannot ignore what the joke means in the grand scheme of things. Less is more. And Serena is justified holding him accountable for it.
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i get yall not liking him cuz of his mdni thing or whatever but you literally popped off over him saying honk tuah bro 😭😭 it was not that serious
If people don’t see that as a blatant contradiction, then there’s just no hope for this community no matter what platform we—