If we’re gonna debate placenta nutrition, shouldn’t it arguably go to the *mother* who just spent agonizing labor expelling it? It’s *her* body part, kinda??
Plus in a perfect world we would actually meticulously freeze it for the child as a stem cell font throughout life but what do I know
I suspect it's the same type of people who argue that having sex strictly for pleasure, even with a woman (if you're a man) is queer, because True Straight Men only have sex for the purposes of procreation, and any pleasure that comes along with it is a distraction.
I do think men aren't taught to look out for signs of disordered eating- a decent chunk of the YA and Shows For Teens in my childhood would have an ep or subplot about girls with bulimia/anorexia, but it's not considered a problem for boys.
Thank you (not) for alerting me to that horror. Perhaps the problem with many of Jordan Peterson's followers is their constant constipation via a fibre free diet? Although the excrement flows freely from their mouths and pens.
Judging by the men at work, eating is... weak? And you shouldn't enjoy it? Many seem to like the idea of one meal a day. The old school ones do coffee for breakfast and a cigarette for lunch, then dinner. But eating lunch, oh no, weak
It seems so miserable to deny yourself such a tiny pleasure. You're an ape! You have adapted to need fruits and vegetables, lots of carbohydrates, and cooked food! A nectarine is not a moral failing!
I once heard a (male) personal trainer tell a client not to eat peaches because they had too many carbs, and only to eat figs.
It's FRUIT! Why do need to be MISERABLE?!
Anyway now I eat peaches EVEN MORE
he eats the still-warm placenta from his newborn son, raw, and a dead octopus, and raw brain. Man is going to get Every Disease
Plus in a perfect world we would actually meticulously freeze it for the child as a stem cell font throughout life but what do I know
As someone who has read a lot about the Franklin expedition, the sore gums symptom is scary.
They hate to see a thin fine Litvak living his best culinary life — their very cells sense a phytonutritional reality that they will NEVER know!
It's FRUIT! Why do need to be MISERABLE?!
Anyway now I eat peaches EVEN MORE