Gorgeous winter scene! Good morning from Winnipeg. -24°C (-33° windchill). A Northern Flicker is sitting in my backyard suet feeder; crickets, mealworm, MADE IN CANADA 🇨🇦 beef suet. I wonder if it did not migrate south or if it came back early. Poor creature! 🥶 #PreferredPerch
Yes, they do move south for the winter. I've never seen a flicker in the dead of winter. The odd bird will sometimes stay behind. I had a mourning dove stay over the winter a few years ago. It made it through until spring! It had great company: woodpeckers, nuthatches, chickadees, finches, etc. 🥰
I've lived here all my life and never considered Sydney particularly pretty, but it has its allures. A short drive in any direction can get you scenes like Edge has posted! A little bit of urban in the middle of all this beauty! Just pick a spot on the CB map and go...you are never disappointed!
thank you, though I am more concerned with ameneites, health care [a problem everywhere, I know], expenses and prices such as property taxes, income tax and food prices, and safety and crime levels esp. as a 60+ woman: these are the things only people who live there truly know
Finding a DR. can be a challenge, but doable, and wait times for procedures are a problem Canada wide. Taxes are a complaint, but after 65 there is a NS rebate as well as a heating rebate, if you qualify. We have several trails that I walk as well as city streets. Never felt unsafe. (see reply)
Food and fuel can be more costly...shipping. People are friendly and helpful, for the most part...there are idiots everywhere. But, when you want to experience wilderness, Cape Breton is second to none. If you walk down a street and a complete stranger says HI, don't be alarmed...it's just us.
The lakes in that area are so stunning. I'm a freshwater gal. If I ever had the chance to flee this country...not happening for me...I've always said Nova Scotia or Scotland highlands. Sip on something and enjoy the peace and that view for me please.
I'll have to look them up and do some dreaming. Enjoy...and make sure your country blocks mine every step of the way...maybe we can get out of this coup...but I'm doubtful.
Trump is a monster; evil incarnate.