it's a little less than that, the "total" shown is everything Steam has downloaded during the current session and I downloaded Borderlands 3 last night which is like 130 gigs as well
It's super slavjank. There are those funny glitches that bring a smile to my face. Had a group of bandits attack me and after killing then 2 had the same head model but one of the bodies played the talk animation. And there's achievement for eating sausage and bread in one go
I want good sausage now
(rich evans cackle is heard in the distance)
Hearing that it's basically being held together with hopes, dreams and bad accents means it's a truly worthy STALKER sequel.
Still glad I upgraded my video card to an RTX 4060 TI because the GTX 1070 was finally show it's age.
"Feels добрый, stalker!"
144.7 gig download, 154.5 gigs on disk
I want good sausage now
I said come in, don't stand there