i started writing them down in a document but still somehow get them wrong (i guess i update them but forget to update the document?) so it's USELESS. WHY AM I LIKE THIS.
it's like actually so easy to hack into my shit if you just find a single password
ik it's so bad for security, but y'know what's also bad? me losing accs bc i forget the password to the site, and then i also forget the password to my email, etc.
a password manager is a lifesaver, it keeps all your passwords encrypted & you just have to remember the 1 master password but your individual passwords can be different!
that's my problem i have SO many passwords i never remember which one i used last 🤕🤕 i got paranoid one time that my sister was logging in on all my stuff & stalking me so i changed them all to different things so now they're all different & i know them all i just don't remember which one goes where
Several of the systems I use at work require password resets every 80 days. Those get written down in a post it, after the first 3 changed I'm not wasting brain cells remembering 🫠 (I WFH, so nobody can see my desk)
i feel like changing them so frequently would be worse than having the same one like someone's bound to forget their password when it's Important and urgent to log in to whatever they need- like not just for your work but Everywhere that does that
it's like actually so easy to hack into my shit if you just find a single password
ik it's so bad for security, but y'know what's also bad? me losing accs bc i forget the password to the site, and then i also forget the password to my email, etc.