Hello new fountain pen folks! Unlike Reddit, conversations about the "political" end of fountain pens aren't "moderated" out of existence for "civility" purposes, here.
It usually winds up being me dropping into folks' mentions delivering the unfortunate news about Noodler's...
It usually winds up being me dropping into folks' mentions delivering the unfortunate news about Noodler's...
i really love to know and act accordingly
But where I CAN do better, I want to. Slavery free rice and chocolate for instance. And for luxuries? If I can't buy an ethical version, I don't want it.
I know Goulet are popular and easy to find, but they helped plant a Southern Baptist Convention church. They are on staff. One of the pastors said homosexuality was as bad a sin as murder on a podcast.
Not giving an inch to any of those assholes, especially not now.
There are a LOT of lovely pen vendors out there. They've never been the only game in town.
I have a ton of Muji notebooks too. I love their undated weekly calendars. I'm not going to throw it out, but I won't buy anymore.