The one with only one arm folding her arms? Yeah, that doesn't boost her confidence in the slightest.
💜: "...good for you, Rena. I... I'm glad you're... at least coping..."
💜: "...good for you, Rena. I... I'm glad you're... at least coping..."
"I'll be fine... I'll survive and find a way to save Gili."
Confident grasp, walking over to Juni and touching her head.
"I started training with Ezra again... And I think one of my friends will be here soon."
Her eyes seem to be welling up with tears.
Rena puts her head on Juni's shoulder, the height difference between them is hilarious.
"You're gonna be okay. I promise."
Juni collapses to her knees, trying her best not to break down.
It's not working. The sobbing, hugging and squeezing is inevitable.
"You don't have to be, there's nothing you could've done..."
With a sigh, Rena admits:
"That org's technology, and the Queen's power... She was a real threat."
Juni sniffles, very gently embracing her friend.
"I-I swear, everywhere I go, this... stupid, gruesome conflict shit... it just HAS to follow me and... and-and ruin the lives of... everyone I... care about...!"
She's seconds away from bursting into tears.