Rena’s smile does lessen the sobbing significantly, but she still can’t fully control herself.
💜: “Reeenaaaaaa…!”
Squeezing the short woman tightly.
💜: “Reeenaaaaaa…!”
Squeezing the short woman tightly.
"I'm here... I'm here..."
She hums softly, rocking slightly with Juni in her arms.
She lifts the short woman up to eye level and presses her cheek against the other’s.
💜: “…haah… oh, fucking hell, I can’t begin to describe how badly I needed to let all of that out…”
She giggles slightly, rubbing the other's cheeks.
"Do you feel better after that?"
She grins and blushes slightly at this action.
“…especially… ‘cuz it’s you who I let it out to…”
Rena pats Juni a few times.
"I'm sorry I didn't visit... I thought you wouldn't want to see me."
Running her fingers through Rena’s hair, like when they first met.
“In fact… I was frankly scared to face you. I thought you’d d-do what those monsters couldn’t and… brutalise me for… n-not saving you…”