💜: “We should just settle down in E’s tower and stop caring about the conflict and violence for good.
Or… at the very least, YOU should settle down there and stop caring while /I/ TRY finding a way to balance life here with life back in my homeworld.”
Or… at the very least, YOU should settle down there and stop caring while /I/ TRY finding a way to balance life here with life back in my homeworld.”
Her stance on this is stern, unfortunately.
"I have to save these people, they saved me."
💜: “…I see. You’re just as persistent as you were when we first met, huh?”
Patting the back of her head
“I have to commend you and more for that, Rena Janet Arze.”
Rena's hair is SCUFFED, it's ratty, unkempt, and horribly tangled.
💜: “You really are a trooper. I don’t think I could ever push through the same stuff that you do…”
Rena nods, shutting her eyes.
"I've had to practice."
She finally sits up, still embracing Rena tightly.
“And on that note, question. Do you WANT us to get out of medical?”