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Cruelty Squad. It is a game that looks like complete ass. Everything is ass. But it wraps around to being unironically good. Helps that the gameplay felt great too.
My favorite song from its OST is clearly Sewage (Bog Business's level music). :)
Cruelty Squad. It is a game that looks like complete ass. Everything is ass. But it wraps around to being unironically good. Helps that the gameplay felt great too.
My favorite song from its OST is clearly Sewage (Bog Business's level music). :)
How the fuck did I get this far without mentioning Half-Life? Played the hell out of the first game when I was younger, even played through Blue Shift and Opposing Force.
This screenshot is from the now-defunct Source version, mostly because it's kinda funny lol
It is just very memorable.
You know, the game that's part of a series that has been all but deleted from existence by Epic Games and they never really released UT3's f2p remaster?
UT99 fucks HARD. So does UT2K4, albeit not AS hard.
A Hat in Time has stuck with me, mostly because of how fun it was playing through it, and how much charm it's got in its world and characters.
I still need to go back through this game on the Deck...
It was so good that I 100%'d it twice, once as Peppino, once as The Noise. I would not recommend doing that, I nearly lost my marbles...
Which may be the intent the dev was going for... hmm...
I enjoy the campy nature of the adventure-era Sonic and, of course, the Chao Garden absolutely must come back..