Far right extremists including associates of Tommy Robinson planning to hijack Farmers event on Tuesday https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/nov/17/far-right-groups-plan-to-hijack-farmers-protest-in-london-against-tax-changes?CMP=share_btn_url
No Farmers were affected by Brexit at all of course.
They declined.
IHT on farmers starts at £2m and is only 20%.
Think on that.
So they may have to sell something just like everyone else .
Most of our food comes from abroad anyway.
You are being very over dramatic.
If most of our food comes from abroad wouldn't we want to change that and grow most of our food here instead? As I said, what if a war breaks out, what if our main food providers cannot provide? The UK will starve. Think about the C02 saved too
Leaving the EU also removed Farmer's subsidies. From the EU
Have you heard of the Convoys during WW2 and 'Dig for Britain'?
Johnson's dad sold his house and land and did very well out of it too of course.
Where was the outrage?
None of it is about the Farmers.
It's always flags.
The fascist rent-a-mob just makes this even worse. Whenever they see a potentially profitable wedge issue, they'll seize it with their grubby little paws.
They certainly don't represent farmers. Many of whom are genuinely struggling.
Everywhere one turns, wealth & power wield significant & disproportionate influence.
Right wing populism is filling the vacuum.
🔹Virtue Signalling
🔹Reputation Laundering
🔹Moral Grandstanding
🔹Cause Appropriation
Remember when Yaxley-Lennon’s lot “protected” the Cenotaph by rioting at it, or praised police one second then cried “two-tier bias” the next?