Well, there's the Korean War, the Bush Wars, the Vietnam War, the Troubles, Operation GLADIO, the serial killer epidemic of the 70s, the Civil Rights movements getting violently suppressed, The Iran-Iraq War, the rise of the right wing terror cells, Yugoslavia Wars, and that's just off the dome.
Peaceful. If you ignore all the civil rights that were fought for during that time period, MLK and those protests/riots, stonewall, etc. Yeah real fucking peaceful if you were a white, straight, cis, man.
And that just means they more likely to repeat the mistakes of history because they never learned from them. No matter how you slice it. Its either willful ignorance or pure stupidity.
Also, even a 10 year old wouldn't call 2020 peaceful. We are old enough to remember this & realize things are actually worse than history is recording right now.
Her eyes are exactly how human eyes tend to be.
That's not AI. Doesn't even resemble AI. It's just a person.
I think the issue is more so that she was too young or not even alive to remember. Or there's missing context since it's a heavily cropped image.
Stuff sucking for most people doesn't mean it sucks for everyone.
Covid sucks. But you can still have a good and peaceful year regardless. Lot of people managed to have good times actually.