Spent a day recording videos for my "Toolbox CSS" course. All this stuff is online, so if you want to be taught web scraping and text mining by a 27-year-old with a Trainspotting haircut and a weird accent who religiously adheres to the tidyverse style guide, I've got you covered: http://bit.ly/tool-css
I just shoved your Bitly-URL through an URL resolver to see what it resolves to, and I think that's where your problem is — it resolves to a generic URL, and not to your documents.
Can't you just download the Markdown source and just dump it into a GitHub repository? That would fully remove the barrier to just viewing the content! I'll give it a view later.
The raw qmd files can be found in this Github repo: https://github.com/fellennert/toolbox-quarto-book