Keep in mind that retinal activity represents all the info about the world that the brain receives; different brain regions re-represent that info in different forms to make it more usable.
As Blake’s definition states, it is about information and it’s also about the computation being performed.
Thanks, that's a nice one!
Although it runs into some problems with relying kn slippery terms: information (For whom? Just quantity or meaning required? Etc) and computation (by some defs. everything can be cast as a computation). But for a napkin sized def, it's a good one.
I’d even relax “none” - in some cases this can be “less.”
As Blake’s definition states, it is about information and it’s also about the computation being performed.
Although it runs into some problems with relying kn slippery terms: information (For whom? Just quantity or meaning required? Etc) and computation (by some defs. everything can be cast as a computation). But for a napkin sized def, it's a good one.
And as an aside, I appreciate the "for z" part, as it seems to require a subject of some kind for whom the representation matters.