Good Wednesday morning #NMRollCall It's that roller coaster temps time of year. Don't like today? Wait for tomorrow. Actually that is so true and how I try to plan my weeks. Looks like a day for the gym and indoor cardio. After the weights at the gym, PT an massage yesterday I need a cardio day.
A house way over there put solar lights on their fence. Their Farolitos were beautiful and these new lights remind of.
Sweet. I love how we all use more lights in our yards now. I showed speck my chile lights in the gazebo. She has some too.
This afternoon I'm taxiing grand to Dr. in town, then rushing home to take Merlin cat to the vet near Edgewood.
Crows were entertaining this morning. I call this one "Murder at Dawn". 😊
Oh boy. You sure know how to plan a fun day.
Puffs Plus is my go to.
I started watching the new DeNiro series on Netflix instead. Good plan.
Lola. She’s Riley without the beard
all, but we do what we can.
I keep a hoodie in my back seat since I have been surprised before.
I watched for all of us. Oh Boy.
Anyway, Today is nice. I am having leftover Jambalaya for brunch, do a little gardening, and watch some tv and read.
We will protest next Thursday, March 13, starting at 4:00 PM. Please spread the word to anyone who might be planning to show up.
(While I will keep up, and share all the things, I cannot go to demos or protests. Personal and professional reasons)
Just refilled mine and am water the rear hill. Amazing to see how it's grown since I redid it!
Power outage a little over 6 hours, then a burp in the evening. Cats' water fountain out of course, had to get them a bowl.
The library showered me with held books so I hope to make a serious dent. Hubs thinks we need to shop today. Well, it IS old fart discount day at Albertsons. But Costco can wait.
these guys shoulda said something earlier...
LOL. I am going to Albertson's for that reason today too.
Ok, time for coffee and meds.
I am in the Rio Grande Valley desert, we have the warm ground air, cool higher air, plus the valley winds.
March - May is pure hell here.
Vientos del diablo!!
I'll be spending the day at Starbucks. 🤠
I love that. I ordered the Smokey the Bear stickers and am waiting for them to arrive.
Oh, you know I love those herons. Such majestic birds.
B.B. King would approve! His guitar was also Lucille.