I can’t believe this needs to be said, but regulations exist for a reason. Without them, people die. Corporations pollute more, workers face greater risks, and consumers are left vulnerable. Yet this fucking asshole wants to strip them all away.
Bring on the faithless electors.
Bring on the faithless electors.
Ohio(?) River
3 Mile Island
It just goes on...
Not to mention the Hudson River.
People need to remember that.
I hope his voters get everything they deserve
To roll back those regulations without a plan is either ignorance of history or a callous disregard for the value of life.
The nation really sucked down the 'memberberries for pre-COVID times and decided to just say 'fuck everyone else' in the process.
I literally have to explain why government can't be run like a business & why regulations aren't just "red tape" put in place to frustrate "wealth creators."
I'd probably be enraged on the daily, tho.