If you can, PLEASE go to Urgent Care or the ER! These seem like some really intense symptoms and you can very quickly end up dehydrated, which will make all the ick a million times worse.
I'm no stranger to burnout-- take what time you need to recover. I can recc some self care ideas if ya need!
Thirding this, I just met you but I want to make sure you are ok. I dont really know whats going on aside form burnout and inabiity to function but I want to do what I think would help the most which is going to be point towards fluids and food and if you cant keep them down doctor is the way.
Its okay to not be okay, friend. I'm sorry you are feeling bad. Just know that we all care about you and to keep going and you'll make it to a better road ahead. Life is tough right now, I hope you feel better soon.
I'm no stranger to burnout-- take what time you need to recover. I can recc some self care ideas if ya need!