handedness can be a little hard to wrap your head around - it's a very elusive concept as it's mostly perceptual/visual rather than being a property of the numbers/math itself
notably though, you can use it to figure out positive rotation directions, given an arbitrary axis!
notably though, you can use it to figure out positive rotation directions, given an arbitrary axis!
in my experience handedness is usually invisible in code and formulas, the math is generally the same unless you have to convert between the two
But in my field, the curl of the magnetostatic field should give you the current density. If you are using a left-handed frame of reference the resulting vector will point the wrong way around.
like, the cross product returns the same coordinate values, regardless of handedness - handedness is "just" an end-result visual orientation no?
Thank you for the opportunity to not think about the impending end of the Enlightenment for 15 seconds.
The orientation of the hand.