Pylance ships django-types, which is more type-checker agnostic. Unfortunately it has diverged too much from django-stubs and is not keeping up with changes in Django.
The way to fix it is delete the shipped stubs from Pylance installation directory! I don’t know why they decided to ship it instead of letting the user decide.
I know PyCharm is considered slow and bulky but honestly I have no idea where this comes from because after you've lost all day adding plugins and testing stuff in VScode you'll still have half the features of PyCharm for twice the weight. It's such a good IDE, my best friend for 12 years already 🤩
PyCharm is indeed nice. I guess the thing that still doesn't work well is tailwind and ruff support. But I have to reevaluate this. I would love to have a reliable tool again. 😀
Ruff support is an annoying one, but I have my small Makefile which I compulsively run every 30 seconds and it does the trick so far.
Tailwind... I'm not gonna get political but I don't like Tailwind 🤣 PyCharm has amazing support of actual CSS and SCSS though. And Svelte and Vue. And, ofc, Django.
Tailwind is a political topic. A bit like vi vs emacs. I see how much faster we are now with it. Before we tried every idea of css organisation, and all failed for us. 😀
I definitely got to recognize that Tailwind is scratching an itch but I still don't understand which one because I definitely don't have any issue with CSS anymore since SFCs showed up.
I think this is the difference. I I introduced react and svelte at my company. Currently, we are throwing this out and replace it with pure Django templates, htmx and alpine. For us a big win too. But I agree SFCs solved a lot of issues.
Tailwind... I'm not gonna get political but I don't like Tailwind 🤣 PyCharm has amazing support of actual CSS and SCSS though. And Svelte and Vue. And, ofc, Django.
Tailwind is a political topic. A bit like vi vs emacs. I see how much faster we are now with it. Before we tried every idea of css organisation, and all failed for us. 😀