I'm entirely aware there is a plethora of portraits, images and art in all shapes and sizes that center yours truly as the primary subject.
I arrived too late to catch it all, so please, if you will - reply, tag, send me your work as it pertains to me.
I would very much like to see it all!
I arrived too late to catch it all, so please, if you will - reply, tag, send me your work as it pertains to me.
I would very much like to see it all!
I may not respond or repost it, but I assure you, it is appreciated nonetheless.
I am considerably grateful to *all* who show their Archduke the devotion and fealty I, er, *you* deserve!
But should I reply to you here with it? Or would you prefer the more subtle approach of tagging you in the comments of erotic pieces?
Perhaps simply tagging me would suffice, to spare those who are not as...*receptive* to such vivid imagery in this thread, yes?
(and I apologise in advance)