We must do better. These upcoming midterms are make or break. If our lawmakers can’t present a meaningful opposition to Trump and just roll over, we may have to actualize the rights given to all citizens by the Declaration of Independence
Bread and circus. Rise of anti-intellectualism. And a severely undereducated populace on topics that affect them the most. We need to revitalize our entire public education system, however, the Trump-Musk admin seek to divest and tear down the DOE
I would contend that, unfortunately, many in our society don’t even know what fascism is, although we helped mobilize the greatest fighting effort to defeat the ideas of Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito, Franco, etc. How about divide et impera? Divide and conquer reflects his tactics most accurately
I always dislike when one political ideology thinks you can only think in a different way if you're stupid or evil. You can have different priorities and support different ideas. Some of those ideas can be very bad for you though, and you must fight against that.
stupid people don't vote fascists, fascists vote fascists.