True. I was a comptroller for a major corporation (20 mil month revenue) and then became Regional Business Manager in government. My annual budget was only 20 million but the difference between the two was night and day. You cannot run the government like a business.
Reminds me of a former acquaintance who said government should be run like a business. I had an instant repulsive reaction (internally) and never forgot the realization that she was that stupid.
Obama campaigned so hard for Kamala and the media buried it. The rigged algorithms shut him down, drowned out our voices and promoted MAGA to the top. I’m afraid it’s going to get much worse. Hopefully Bluesky won’t get dissolved by the powers that be. With Gabbard as DNI it’s not looking good
So very relevant. Thank you. Reminds me we aren’t crazy and our systems can be carefully improved by thoughtful leaders and without nefarious tinkering by a few unelected weirdos.
Except Obama’s reasoning depends on empathy. Trump and Elon are out of touch billionaires surrounded by more billionaires all of whom don’t have empathy or humility for others. What do they care if a veteran loses everything. The coffers are to be emptied for their gain only.
So sad that America could go from a morally upright, brilliant, caring family man to an evil, lying, uncaring bigot that dumb people follow like the pied piper.
Superstitious learning. And it can lead to errors and horrors.
Its goal is to serve the people, not make a profit.