“Still just concepts of a plan?”
Ten years later Trump still has no health care plan, and he lies about not trying to kill Obamacare, which is more popular than ever.
Ten years later Trump still has no health care plan, and he lies about not trying to kill Obamacare, which is more popular than ever.
I can't wait until this mother fucker dies for real
*rolls eyes straight into next century*
What a both-sideser. 😖
He's an incompetent moron and he is surrounding himself with morons and sycophants.
The next four years will be a shitshow of epic proportions.
I hope our nation can survive it.
Someone ask a follow up! He won’t be able to answer because he doesn’t know the first thing about Obamacare.
Dear MAGA:
We F*cking TOLD YOU SO Numbnutz!
So, one would think that plan he kept on saying he was going to release every 2 weeks for 4 years would be fully developed by now.
I’d like Trump to tell us why he feels Obama Care is bad and how his plan would be better, in detail.
He doesn’t care and he is very lazy.
America elected a weapons grade narcissistic moron.
Congratulations everyone.
Obamacare is terrible.
I saved Obamacare.
I tried to kill it from a legal standpoint but saved it from a physical standpoint.
Idiot. And the word “if” does a lot of lifting in “if we find something better I’ll present it.”
And anyone who defends that focus group nonsense should kindly STFU.
Americans will surely flock to construction jobs in areas with 110 degree heat and no worker protections!
I seriously think that their logic is that undocumented people are criminals and will be sent to jail, then use the 13th amendment. The prison system is already using it for Americans, so why not for "illegals"?
Maybe the definition of popular needs updating
Obamacare itself is just another way for corporations to take what little money the middle class has left. It sucks.
Which is almost more frightening than Trump in office 😳
He’s a big fan of Total Wine & More.
Call them bum wines, street wines, fortified wines, wino wines, or twist-cap wines.
Whatever you call these beverages for the economical drunkard, this page explores the top five.
So curl up on a heating duct and enjoy...
Dinner with @MattWalshBlog Articulate, unabashed spokesman for our shared conservative values.
TennCare - prohibits the governor from making any decision or obligating the state in any way with regard to the expansion of optional enrollment in the medical assistance program, pursuant to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act...
In 2023, there were 644,100 uninsured people (9.3% of the state population) in Tennessee, higher than the 8% of the U.S. population that is uninsured.
Health Care in Tennessee - Kaiser Family Foundation
Election 2024: State Health Care Snapshots | KFF
I won’t listen to him ever 🤮
But also:
"I'm the one who saved Obamacare" 😤🤦♂️
They hate the working class.
A pathological liar is someone who habitually or compulsively lies without a clear reason, personal gain, or external motivation.
The pathological liar lies even when the truth would suffice or be more advantageous.
He just wants me to be safe so I can walk across the street and buy bread.
The problem is he's threatening to cut all the benefits I need to do that. 🙄
#TrumpTranslation: “I have NO idea how to craft a better health care plan so I’ll squawk incoherently for 4 years abt how bad Obama was but don’t expect better healthcare”
Most of his cult followers are big fans & clients of ACA but vocally protest Obamacare
His brain wires say something like this.. 1💅🏿
Look how the fuck that played out.
His new group, Orange Sphincter and the Oligarchs & the 6 Supremes, will be joing the Traitor Tot Takes America Again Tour or the TTTAAT as some call it in the future since you are just finding this out.
2) Putin will control us through Trump
3) No one is coming to save us
4) We must save ourselves
Read, share, and support the plan. Recruit friends. Hurry. We are running out of time.
Not Obama Care
Not Trump Care
Not Biden Care
Trump Health plan is as always will be repeal prior ACA with nothing.
Go backwards to 1950’s when companies could kill anyone and get away with it.
Litigation begin.
Curtail most wins by litigation causation into litigation for decades
say anything he wants. He will lie lie lie. And we just lap it up.