The key difference between S. Korea's response to fascism vs the US is that democracy is VERY new to them. S. Korea was a dictatorship until the 1980s. There are people there who were alive and remember not having the right to vote, so they fight tooth and nail to retain said right.
Who would have guessed that South Korea and Brazil would do a much better job of standing up to fascism than the supposed greatest country in the world.
Scary to think how they went so close to a coup. It was only thanks to the PEOPLE who acted swiftly that South Korea is still a democracy. We at Metanoia believe this is the way, local power to local people, join us to start your own movement:
Thankfully our needs here have been met! 🙄🤦♂️
South Korean president, hated by people, tried to do insurection with military, failed and was removed.
American president, loved by people to the point of doing failed insurection for him, reinstated in the office.
Gotta love democracy.