Ever wonder if Musk isn’t behind them (if it’s true)? You’d think trump would be demanding answers given the close proximity to his NJ golf course, etc…just my thoughts.
As a rule I’m not a big fan of these anti trump Repubs because their party is still backwards and racist and bigoted and ignorant.
But for all his bluster in the primary this narcissistic asshole Christie sure was quiet in the general. Let trump mock him. He deserves it.
I never imagined a day where I’d be defending Chris Christie, but he spoke out frequently against the danger of electing Trump. He didn’t pull any punches either.
trump’s vileness aside, Christie only turned on trump after itlooked like trump would receive justice. My pity for Christie (a jerk himself) is nil. He helped make the monster.
He has no courage to respect. I doubt he defends himself or attacks trump at all.
Hey Donald, it wasn’t CC who served McDonalds when hosting sports teams at the WH! Tacky and classless! Just goes to show that $$ doesn’t buy YOU everything.
Well here we go again with these asinine tweets. I am sick and tired of this 78 year old orange goof ball. A big F@ck you to everyone who voted for this prick. But my grocerieeeeees 🖕
Ohhhhhh......idea. start a gofundme to deliver, by drone, everyday a McDonald's meal to mar-a-lago or wherever the turd might be at the time. I'd contribute a meal, at least!
And to beat a bully you have to punch back harder. There’s plenty of photos displaying Trump as weak. Come right back at him and feel free to call him the P-word because that’s what he is.
So is this how he is going to be during his next term in office. Childish posts and watching t.v in the Whitehouse. Just like last time. What a fucking loser and unfortunately he is our loser. What does that make us besides stupid.
Stupidity and cruelty have always plagued humanity, but never have they been so explosively intertwined. Today, stupidity amplifies cruelty, and cruelty weaponizes stupidity, creating a vicious cycle unlike anything we’ve seen before.
But for all his bluster in the primary this narcissistic asshole Christie sure was quiet in the general. Let trump mock him. He deserves it.
He has no courage to respect. I doubt he defends himself or attacks trump at all.
What else to expect from a guy who applies Cover Girl makeup over his entire face, & glues his hair over his baldness with his own mansauce!
‘Cept on windy days; then, he wears the Made In Communist China redcap.
Will they write anything about this post by Trump and how completely unpresidential it is? Of course not
May his final destination be extremely hot.