Reposted from Melanie D’Arrigo
The top 4 health insurance companies have spent $120 billion on stock buybacks, and the top 5 have reported $371 billion in profits since 2010.

Reminder that their profits come from our denied claims.

Pass universal healthcare with Medicare for All.



Again- we have the resources to feed, house, clothe, educate and care for every person in the country we just choose not to.
More profitability over patients. As always. Talk to the incoming administration. I am sure they will stop that….not.
It's simple & just like private/charter schools, what they don't spend on students or patients goes into someone's very deep pockets.
Medicare for all is not a good plan. Modeling our health care after Germany’s system is something we are closer to and can do quicker. Universal health care is the goal, not a totem
Okay...if Americans think it's "communism" then they need to stop complaining.
If only this made sense
I see eliminating access to this type of information as being on the republican agenda.
Yep. The more they deny, the more these CEO's make. They could give two fucks for you to live.
Comment image
Or legislate a cap on corporate salaries that is reasonably based on amounts paid out on claims. If we can get all we want, why can't we get at least something like this?
This needs more attention
Their profit, AND their operating costs. Every dollar is a dollar spent for healthcare that is not being used to make someone healthy.
Maybe they need to be called death insurance companies or pain insurance companies . . . or better . . . profit insurance companies. They have nothing to do with health
America can change this thievery by electing politicians that support healthcare for all. The status quo is insanity.
Even when someone has access to healthcare in the US, its quality is appalling.
Support universal healthcare thru a national health service. Medicare for all just leaves us at the mercy of for profit Medicare advantage plans and for profit hospital chains. Remove the profit motive.
Enough! We need #HealthcareReform
3 things:
1-Contact your Congressperson and Senators 📩 or
📞(202) 224-3121
2-Join/help a healthcare advocacy organization ⬇️
Healthcare Reform Starter pack: https://go.bsky.app/7ANTaUS
3-Repost on social media
That's socialism. It's a slippery slope blah blah blah communism yada yada
That we have a stock market for health insurance is obscene. Even if they approved all reasonable claims, which they don't, it's obscene that they aren't providing direct care but are profiting from illness and disease.
Google this:

The Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program

This made available to all would be way better than Medicare.