WATCH: “No, I won’t commit that.”
Speaker Johnson refuses to say there won’t be “strings attached” to disaster aid for California.
Speaker Johnson refuses to say there won’t be “strings attached” to disaster aid for California.
Trump: scowling from a vantage point in the ceiling, pulls strings to make puppet hand wipe puppet sweat from puppet brow of Johnson
**a non-person wooden puppet disguised as a Christian Texan
Remind us when your state, Louisiana, gets hit by another hurricane.
Give citizens _their_ money. Nazi pigs.
Fuck it. If the federal government can’t do its most basic task, California should just take their 15% of the economy, all the non-corn food that the rest of the nation eats and just go it alone.
The fact that people believe it is illogical.
California: We need help.
Trump DC: Well then you must end unisex public bathroom stalls!
I fully admit I don't know the entire process of receiving aid, but why not?
California contributes more federal money than they receive. Many red states would be insolvent if not for federal subsidies paid for by blue state contributions.
Can two play this game? Can we refuse to contribute?
Constitution for fake reasons.
2022: "... Texas leads the country with the most wildfires ..."
Republicans hate these women:
Until Republicans understand their underhanded attempts at governing will be met and countered, they'll just keep doing it. Let's start with vital aid to California.
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Thoughts like this that turn into real executive/gubernatorial action is how the civil war would actually start.
Americans failed to push back on citizen Trump, we can't fail to push back on 🍆🥔 trump.
Statistically, they make up the vast majority of US convicts and prisoners, and commit the most crimes.
OF COURSE they can be horrible people.
Where does MAGA Mike Johnson get his power?
Oh wait--we can't do anything to these guys!