I wonder how they will try to explain away the blatant targeting of innocent individuals while actual mobsters are selling intel to foreign powers, stealing public funds, stealing confidential information on computers, blackmailing and money-laundering?
Can't break contracts; can't fire if a contracted employee unless "for cause" (misconduct). Run to federal court Monday -- or call up federal judge today if anything happening right now.
So are the FBI Agents going to fight back or take it like good little sheep?
They could start by releasing Smith's report on the Trump Document investigation and any other documentation they are hoarding that prove Trump's criminal activities.
Truly horrifying.. These people have done nothing wrong other than investigate criminal activity.. In fact I would be arresting Elon for interference with a Govt.. pretty sure he's not supposed to access Govt computers are neither an employee or an elected official..
They could start by releasing Smith's report on the Trump Document investigation and any other documentation they are hoarding that prove Trump's criminal activities.
Heck, it's not going to have a Federal Government, only a dictator and his oligarchs, who are doing his dirty work for him, while he plays golf
Just sayin' -