Another example of why we should stop supporting any the mentioned media organizations!
Their editorial "leadership" are feckless at best, complicit in the authoritarian takeover at worst.
This will not change if we keep supporting them.
Legacy media is failing us, and to what end? These right wing nuts still call them "the radical leftist media" even while theyre completely selling us out
About fucking time someone said this, yes!
stop being fucking idiots and assuming ANYTHING two pathological liars tell you is the truth or anywhere close to honesty. How are you all so dumb??? Fucking wake up, grow a spine, and help defend our Republic!
Their editorial "leadership" are feckless at best, complicit in the authoritarian takeover at worst.
This will not change if we keep supporting them.
stop being fucking idiots and assuming ANYTHING two pathological liars tell you is the truth or anywhere close to honesty. How are you all so dumb??? Fucking wake up, grow a spine, and help defend our Republic!