the goal is simple. Musk wants to privatize the Govmt Treasury payment himself. that would be a hell of a Govmt contract wouldn't it. he's only grifting in about $8 million a day of the American pples taxpayer dollars and he wants all he can grift off of the USA..he can't do it elsewhere
It is a ponzi scheme. The first generation never paid in, but did reap benefits.
But it then became the most effective anti-poverty program of all time.
Privatizing won't save it -- only increasing revenues will save it.
I went to and downloaded my summary (just in case somebody starts screwing with the numbers.) if stopped working today and take it asap, it would take 66 years to recoup what I have put in.
Waiting until 70 to take it would still take 36 years.
Currently the fund is going to be tapped in 2036, and only 73% of benefits could be paid out at the current revenue level.
I know it's not a savings account, & I know as the deadline approaches, it will only get harder to deal with it. But it is looking more and more like a scam at this point.
The death benefit is $255, while the average funeral costs over $6000 in Georgia now.
Tax Millionaires & Billionaires. Save SSA.
Musk is using teen hackers who operate web sites in Russia, to do the audit of sensitive US government sites such as CISA. See 5:11 in This may have irrecoverable consequences.
They are all saying there is waste and fraud in everything they do to use that to justify their cruel cuts. They don’t think the American people are smart enough to figure it out
Trump is, in real time, creating a future America filled with drop-outs, sick,very poor elderly and hungry Americans. If he says he’s “making America affordable again”he’s lying!
GOP R scared 2 face the people now go ahead & C how folks react when EM 45 GOP steal the only means folks have 2 live by. We pd. into these programs with every pay check we've ever received.
Call your legislators this morning 202-224-3121. Demand that they protect social security, medicare, Medicaid. These are not entitlements! Tell them we are angry and we are not going away!
For majority (75%) of our country Social Security is their ONLY retirement. It doesn’t need to be privatized so WS can steal even more money from naive investors. Protect & Secure it & FFS separate it from Government budget so billionaires & their politician flunkies can’t raid or destroy it.
Dems need to call their Bluff. If there's massive fraud then follow the money and show me massive arrests. This money is direct deposited every month into an account. If there is the fraud they are claiming then there should be a rest happening. What a win for this Administration. So do it!
Ber-nee! Ber-nee! Ber-nee! Telling it like it is. Somebody put a sock on Nylon Elon's mouth! That guy is a disaster. Imagine a madman with a chainsaw...
They want to change our money to crypto so they can hide all of our REAL money overseas. When they burn down our country, they'll leave with all of our cash & we'll have nothing. We'll be left begging trying to exchange crypto for real cash bc no big corp will accept crypto as payment. IT'S FAKE.
If there is massive fraud, prove it with hard documents. Let the American public see what fraud you have found - details not just generalisations, hard facts. Musk like the rest of them is all talk no substance - I for one won’t be holding my breath!
Jessica Craven at Chop Wood Carry Water is an excellent resource with info, action items, zoom meetings, videos, etc. scroll all the way down for actions in various states:
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
The Repugnantcans have been salivating to co-opt Social Security for decades. It is motivated by self-serving greed. These people are blood-suckers that don't create anything, and don't care about anyone but themselves.
Bitcoin is the Ponzi scheme. Social Security is a type of insurance, not an "entitlement", nor more than being the richest person in the world is an "entitlement". A .25 cent fee
on all stock trades, removing the limit on the income limit on which SS is collected and clawing back tax cuts fixes it.
If he fucks around he'll find out. People with nothing left to lose will become dangerous real fast. Why attack the most vulnerable's well being? They're fanning the flames of revolution
The cap on social security and Medicare (until removed for Medicare) through out career never made sense to me. That percentage deduction meant more to me when my income was lower.
Point being the more you earn the less important (noticeable) the cap is.
Can someone please remind EVERYONE that Social Security payments are NOT part of the federal budget? When someone receives their check, that check is issued from the fund set up for Social Security and is wholly separate from the federal budget!
They didn't borrow it. They looted it, and now they want to steal what's left. They need to peel a billion off the defense budget and put that into the SS fund. Or, if they want to find four trillion, they can repeal Trump's tax breaks for the rich.
I’m feeling like most Americans are being “woken” by Musk’s absurd answers to questions that are directly affecting their lives. When talking to Republicans abt what trump wanted to do the answer was always “he’ll never really do that “.
First, pay back the stolen funds with penalties & interest. And put it back where it was.
Y'all who don't remember, RayGun made it more vulnerable by putting it where The GOP International Organized Crime Cabal could get their greasy fingers on it.
Not just that, but a means to institutionalize savings and reduce systemic risk for wannabe-ballers that can't manage an investment account to save their life.
Fuck no. It's no more serious than the clownish proposal that "it might be okay to privatize SS on technical grounds". I might slap the guy if he said that at a cocktail party.
I paid money into that program involuntarily (I was forced!) That's MY MONEY! Theft of that money means every employment agreement I ever made was a LIE!
I think a lot of people aren’t familiar with just how ingrained “vote R no matter what” is for some of these countries. Trust me it’s intense. It’s taught in the churches, in the schools and festered in the country for decades. I lived in it. Some of these republicans aren’t 100% maga
The Republican blueprint is Russian oligarchy: In the 1990s, Russia’s most profitable organisations were dismantled and taken over by tycoons able to take advantage of an increasingly compromised privatisation process and seize control of hugely profitable state enterprises.
It’s more sinister. They are trying to gut everything that makes us safe. Seven Republicans are needed to Impeach and remove. Then strengthen our laws from the backlash of the small cohort of Trombies and Russian dialers who threaten. Republicans are scared and need protection to do what’s right.
Tell Musk to produce the evidence to back up his claims of fraud before he does anything to Social Security. Otherwise, we have a cell waiting in Leavenworth.
Musk wants you to believe Social Security is a scam—so billionaires like him don’t have to pay into it. ‘Scrap the cap’ isn’t just a slogan; it’s a solution.
It seems like you Americans have voted Caligula into the presidential office and gotten some hitler jugendkids as bonus.
Im truly sorry for you all, specially for those morons that didn't bother to vote because Biden of Califula wouldn't make a difference! Thanx for fucking up our world!
Elon Musk's stupidity about Social Security was exposed when Joe Rogan asked a simple question about Social Security. Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
Billionaires calling Social Security a “Ponzi scheme” while hoarding wealth and dodging taxes is peak projection. Scrap the cap and let them finally pay their fair share.
Absolutely! I'm not a Democrat basher but why haven't you cleaned this up? We all know it can be corrected. And of course the media there still gets to just let them talk about how much it cost in the budget for Medicare. Cost? You were given money to assure us. What the f did you do with the money?
The goal is to privatize everything and turn any remaining services/goods/resources into for-profit commodities to be exploited and managed by a handful of selfish, soulless, power-hungry, wealthy people.
But it then became the most effective anti-poverty program of all time.
Privatizing won't save it -- only increasing revenues will save it.
Currently the fund is going to be tapped in 2036, and only 73% of benefits could be paid out at the current revenue level.
The death benefit is $255, while the average funeral costs over $6000 in Georgia now.
Tax Millionaires & Billionaires. Save SSA.
Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
We really need YOU to support these two Florida candidates in special elections… even a tiny bit. This is where YOU can make a stand.
Billionaires are the problem.
They are trash.
They will have to be put in their place.
Tax them out of existence.
Surely Bernie knows this.
WAll street already got our pensions and now we only have 401ks which they make millions off of.
Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
The economy is going to be great!
Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
on all stock trades, removing the limit on the income limit on which SS is collected and clawing back tax cuts fixes it.
The way this will work is:
A for profit business to administer funds
A for profit business to invest the funds
No insurance on payment or growth.
The bond market should be enough.
Scrap the cap?
Kick ass and take names. !
Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
Point being the more you earn the less important (noticeable) the cap is.
Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
He's a thief, and he's robbing America blind.
It’s our money. Not theirs.
Y'all who don't remember, RayGun made it more vulnerable by putting it where The GOP International Organized Crime Cabal could get their greasy fingers on it.
"Cutting taxes" doesn't work. Stop & think:
Paying taxes is not fun. We can probably find other ways to fund government. But for now, they're your membership fees for living in America.
No thanks. It's been tampered with, but the whole idea was a funding pool in common big enough to compete.
Any magic promised by privatizing is a delusion. Ask Australia.
Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
Sanders is a socialist
abolish SS
Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
How much longer are you going to let them do this?
Im truly sorry for you all, specially for those morons that didn't bother to vote because Biden of Califula wouldn't make a difference! Thanx for fucking up our world!
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
Vance went skiing.
Zelenskyy went fighting.