Trump is living in an alternate reality because he lets other people control the information he gets, and he clings to that bubble.
When or if he is deposed, he won't understand how it could happen.
Also, and this is true, he believes in the "power of positive thinking"... like as long as he thinks positive things, good things will happen no matter how shitty he performs.
Trump has tanked the economy and made no one except Russia want to buy our products. Markets gone, economy tanked, stock market in free fall: how are the billionaires going to have anyone left to buy what they sell? Insanity
I just can't believe this creep of the president come up there and tell so many lies nobody can't see that I know he did not mention anything about helping us we poor black people poor Mexican poor everything he's not trying to help us
Sadly, he is out to harm you. Everything is leading up to an amerikkkan holocaust and Mexicans, the black community, the lgbtq community, Jews and Muslims are in danger. Minorities need to look out for each other. We know what's coming because we've seen it before 80 years ago in Germany.
We have to stop trying to convince them. You have to rally those ppl that sat the election out. The young ppl that didn't understand that this was going to hurt them and their future. We keep wasting time in the ppl that will never be convinced.
You can't. The brainwashing is too deep. They're stuck by the sunk cost fallacy. If they admit they've been lied to all this time, they look the fool. They can't admit they wasted a decade of their lives on a bunch of lies from a sociopath.
You don't. You can't reason with unreasonable people. You leave those voters behind and let them fend for themselves, lie in the bed they made. They will blame you or literally anyone else other than the responsible party and then turn around and vote the exact damn way.
I see the couple of the headlines say 'Trump Tariffs'
Though I despise his name and don't ever use - ALL media should moving forward always attach his name to tariffs and taxes, e. g., - call them Trump Taxes and/or Trump TARIFFS, Trumpflation, etc
Yes!!! Democrats need to say that over and over. They need to make the media call it that. They need to tell their constituents that's over and over. They need to brand it this way so ppl can't think of them as anything else.
The Democrats work for the banks and America’s capitalist promising them stable conditions for safe return on investments. Trump represents billionaire capitalist who thrive on chaos, disruption destruction, and then buying up the pieces. Either way, working people are screwed.
This is making me nervous like never before. I’ve hoarded a few things and found that some prices on stuff I normally buy has gone up. Don’t know what to do to protect myself and my family and my business
Trump Iying about everything.
Trump is psychotic.
When or if he is deposed, he won't understand how it could happen.
The amerikkkan holocaust will be no different.
GDP is contracting
Inflation is up
Energy is up
Fertilizers are up
Groceries are up
Tariffs driving prices even higher
Jobless numbers are up
They are destroying the US
Though I despise his name and don't ever use - ALL media should moving forward always attach his name to tariffs and taxes, e. g., - call them Trump Taxes and/or Trump TARIFFS, Trumpflation, etc
#Shitler from #ClownShow1.0