Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night with the realization that Scalia and Rehnquist would've been in the moderate wing of this Court, and then I can't go back to sleep.
Yeah and they would have followed the constitution. George W. bush didn’t think Roberts would become a Nazi when Bush nominated him to replace Rehnquist. So we can kinda blame Bush for this shitshow we’re in currently.
This clip perfectly encapsulates why MAGA rose to power. But you are correct, he would relentlessly ridicule their entire premise of essentially worshipping a billionaire.
Something I did notice last night was that the Supreme Court Justices never applauded anything besides when dirtbag first came in and took the podium. I don’t know if that’s customary or not but I did notice it. None of them looked particularly happy last night.
McConnell’s 2021 acquittal kept Trump from being barred from office. In 2024, the Supreme Court ruled only Congress could enforce the 14th Amendment’s insurrection ban, blocking states from disqualifying him. Together, these actions cleared Trump’s path to run again.
McConell's legacy will be stained by his vote to acquit Trump on charges of inciting the Jan 6 insurection. A decision that allowed a proven threat to democracy to remain elegible for office. History will view this as a catastrophic failure & defining turning point in American history.
McConnell's wife, Elaine Chao, Secretary of Labor (2001-2009), violated ethics laws while working for US government by running a shipping business with ties to China.
If ppl knew or even thought/cared about the blood spilled - not so long ago - by ordinary men to secure the freedoms and rights we're watching disappear today, they'd still not want a revolution. 😑
Most don't understand the ultimate sacrifice so many others made for us.
That and the rest of the justices that did that should be impeached and removed from office however, I don’t know how we make that happen, but it needs to be done. They need to be gone.
Sure he will. A few more calls that don’t go his way and there will be an executive order disbanding SCOTUS. The asshole conservatives on the court are too arrogant and don’t believe he will.
I understand that. But🍊💩 does not. He has Musk gutting our government only under his authority. He would lock them out. He doesn’t give a fuck about the law. They gave him immunity. Sorry. I had to vent. 🙂
Corrupt SCOTUS! Justice Kagan was standing right there… she heard it. Why would 45 walk past Kagan and not address her; when he greeted all the corrupt justices? Because she voted against the corrupt felon.!!! How can we defend our constitution and democracy when our SCOTUS is compromised?
Did he poke/pat her? He has no self-awareness, only a dopamine addiction, which was not fed at the moment. I’d love to think that their stone faces indicate a lack of support. Just a dream.
First thought that comes to mind after I watched him home and on the MSC is that this is the type of man prone to domestic violence. These guys are toxic. I don't envy his wife and kids.
You guys need to reform a lot more than just SCOTUS. You need a total election overhaul into the 21st century since 250 year old rules just don't cut it any more.
Says it all right there. I always hoped Roberts would at least somewhat support the Constitution but this sure makes me rethink that. Thanks to republican senators who approved trumps SC and unqualified cabinet appointees who lied under oath during hearings. This mess is directly on you.
All the Democrats acted like it was normal politics nicey nice. They are out of touch with everything. The young like Crockett and AOC need to take over! No more pkt knife to a gun fight! Remove Trump!
A disgrace to the men and women who bled out on the battle field so we can be live free and not speak German or Japanese! Along comes a draft dodger who was too much of a pussy and pickup a gun and stand a post!
He is attempting to destroy it all in 60 days!
What can/will we do? Clock is ticking!
I disagree with that. Fascism requires symbolism. He'll likely require the Supreme Court to help maintain the image of legitimacy. Now, it need not be a functional Court. Though, I would argue that is what we already have.
Exactly, they are not doing anything to stop this nutcase. I'm not that easily fooled as MAGA. At the moment our US Senate and US Congress are not doing anything to stop the wannabe dictator. Many in office that are supposed to work for the people, have already been compromised by the Rump.
They won`t care they are all worth tens or hundreds of millions and are secure in thier gated compounds with private staff and federal security forces protecting them, millions literally don`t get at all what was predicted 35 yrs ago and has come to pass, republicans were working on all this in 1995
Ofc he will still need the supreme court. You can't expect him to do the run of the mill day to day work of removing rights and oppressing people! That's what lackeys are for. He's got golf to play!
Last time I looked he's still a President. They have yet to crown him a dictator. Yes, he is acting as if he is one, however, the supreme court shut him down recently. You don't shut a dictator down the last time I read about dictators.
Twenty years ago, the Russian uncle of a student staying with us told me a story of how his brother lost his business in Russia. "They just walked in and took it" leaving no recourse as police and judges were all part of it. I couldn't believe it. NOW I understand.
Our schools failed to teach about the USSR .
Especially in Georgia, according to MTG .
"Why does Hollywood always make Russia out to be the bad guy" ......nuff said.
Small town america was like that not too long ago. Mostly just fascists and little fiefdoms held by powerful families. WW II was supposed to end all that but... saw it rolling back in around the Reagan era.
Yep. I don't understand why they think they'll be immune from the damage Trump is creating. No one will be able to buy their products/services during a recession/depression.
Sort of like the Independents who voted for Trump. They don't care about other people, and they thought Trump won't hurt them.
Now they're scared. It's too late.
Are you still in touch with that former student, and, if so, might they have some advise on how we can get ahold of this thing before we end up like his Uncle?
Putin's ru$$ia, mafia-terrorist gang, in all its glory: I'll lie, steal, kill, but you will keep shut. Because I'm paying you with government money.👍
Fucking mob boss. Amazing we’re letting this douche destroy our great country. He’s doing exactly the opposite of what the letters maga supposedly stand for. 🖕
I agree, he’s deleting everything that made America great… our alliances, USAID, NOAA, the VA, any attempt to stop climate change, women’s rights, the right to be who you want to be and not who others say you are, Medicaid, and now Social Security is in danger from DOGE.
Exactly. We won’t be great…we’ll be the scourge of the planet; thought of as similar to russia and north korea. How can our military folks, past and present, support such a mentality?
They are so arrogant and so privileged that they just don’t care. When the Alitos started openly flying their racist flags, it became abundantly clear.
The Supreme 6 should have their Law licenses revoked by their Supreme Court Bar. Dereliction of Duty to allow them to remain and destroy the Constitution, Rule of Law and Democracy.
Ive never heard of it unless you mean the American lawyers who are admitted to practice in SCOTUS? There is a separate bar admission if a lawyer has a case they must apply and be admitted - but if that’s what you’re referring to, they have no oversight on the Court.
Thank you Marjie-this is the bar admission I described-it’s admission to practice before the SCOTUS which is self-regulated/ they have no outside oversight. They and the entire federal judiciary are appointed for life and while they theoretically are open to impeachment they answer to no one.
Both things can be true - there's another angle that shows Kavanaugh and Barrett both looking at him with barely concealed contempt - I also suspect DJT might smell bad too
Everyone whose face you can see is clearly registering disgust like you would to a bad smell. One guy reflexively puts his hand up as if to cover his nose.
I think he is misunderstanding his presidential immunity from prosecution to mean he can commit any illegal act he wants and it will stand...not true! His acts can still be ruled illegal, he just can't be personally punished for violating the law.
Corruption to the core! Everything about this Evil Felon as president is so wrong…putting this nation on the side with Russia, China, and any other 💩dictator country because he is trying to transform America! Shame on every voter who believe his lies making America Great—Republicans are disgraceful!
I have a full slate of powerful Dems in New Mexico... They are all worth a follow.
That's awesome and I am VERY happy for you but... you need to do a little something to help the rest of the country out. Yo have 3 republican Congress persons that you need to bring in... make them feel safe with dems, we are reasonable people. He's not. Also... independent voters need an education!
I donate to states with GOP reps. Outsiders can only do so much. NM used to be very purple, but our state Dem party has worked very hard to elevate working class policies and that has turned our state solidly blue.
I'm honestly not sure what options the US has. There's no way to impeach a President or Supreme Court Justice without a 2/3 Senate majority. I'm not even sure that hitting that number is possible in your midterms.
Getting huge majorities in the Senate from red states would be best case scenario. Impeach and convict trump and then threaten JD with impeachment if he doesn't fall in line. 2028, impeach and remove at least 2 of the justices while expanding to 13 justices
Not unless you stand by and allow it. I believe AOC has initiated an action against Thomas. We need a different kind of congress system for the dishonorable Way too much obstruction and time lag.
As disgusting and firing squad worthy this moment is, it is also funny cuz yes he will forget, if returning the favor means putting himself on the line.
Mafia education doesn't include language lessons lol, mostly just how to get your way by being a piece of shit, launder money, and cheat on your taxes. All of which he is excellent at.
Prison and six feet under seems mild. It's time to think outside the box. Let's put him in a room with a hundred deported migrants, lock the door, and walk away for awhile...
I can't agree more. I really think it's exactly the reason many on the right love Trump- because the libs hate him. Could say the same about Putin or Ukraine. Whatever the American left values, the American right hates
But then we get Johnson. He is at least as corrupt! He owns a home, gets a paycheck from the United States government but has NO bank accounts??? Investigative journalism is dead.
Trump reminding the Chief Justice of the United States that the immunity case gave Trump cover to assa*ssin*te his political enemies, which could include judges who don't rule in his favor.
Chief Justice Roberts greenlit (green lighted?) Trump’s complete immunity and Donald “won’t forget it” while he rips our democracy to shreds and attacks those who upheld the ACTUAL rule of law.
Yes, that was very intentional. I think he did it, so later if facing impeachment or prosecution, he will claim that he did not really swear an oath because his hand was not on the Bible.
Besides, he mocks the Bible and Christianity every day.
I think he knew if he touched the Bible, he would've immediately sublimated into a hissing puff of steam and would've had to retreat to the safety of his horcrux where he'd have to remain until he could regenerate his corporeal form on the next New Moon.
I don’t recall who at the moment but one of our early Presidents, a founder, placed his hand on a law book rather than a Bible to be sworn in. This Bible stuff is silly.
He does not believe in the Bible. He believes he’s a God-a false idol/prophet. He only believes in selling bibles - the Bible thumpers really pledge their allegiance to the wrong God!
They put hands on the Koch Network's Big Oil Bible!
Harlem Crow was there.
Gasoline cars finance the corruption of our Supreme Court Justices! Remember that!
Trump's not immune from actions that are not essential to the function of POTUS. So not immune from actions that are expressly prohibited such as seeking Emoluments (publically sought when posting AI of his plans GAZA). Feds won't prosecute but can't state AG's for viol State laws > corrupt income
Trump's turned our government into a den of thieves.
Most don't understand the ultimate sacrifice so many others made for us.
We should be fucking up shit now.
We don’t need violence or destruction.
There’s thousands of people on blue right now that can use their talents to disrupt in many forms.
An in-kind response is not unwarranted
Strong work 💪George! #TrumpIsARussianAsset #PutinsPuppet
It’s the spineless republicans that refuse to uphold their oath.
US Code 5 7311.
He is attempting to destroy it all in 60 days!
What can/will we do? Clock is ticking!
Thomas is the king of hearts
Roberts is the king of clubs
MAGA = Republican
Especially in Georgia, according to MTG .
"Why does Hollywood always make Russia out to be the bad guy" ......nuff said.
They're in for a very unpleasant surprise.
Now they're scared. It's too late.
Roberts is in dtrumpf’s pocket..
shame, shame
Putin's ru$$ia, mafia-terrorist gang, in all its glory: I'll lie, steal, kill, but you will keep shut. Because I'm paying you with government money.👍
Does Kavanaugh think the country doesn't know??
Are they that arrogant and ignorant that they don't realize the country knows they are the most crooked supreme court we have ever had??
They’re appointed to their bullshit positions for LIFE or until they decide they’ve done enough damage to retire
Stop 🛑 everything except for building the row of guillotines!! Watch the pigs run!!
“It’s all good”
So, he's been thanking Roberts for a while now, right?
Trump doesn't need a 2/3 vote to be convincted
He needs a 2/3 vote for PERMISSION to sit as president
Mango Mussolini walked on the insurrection mess but Rudy JUST go from under it
Biden should have packed the court when he had the chance. 🤦🏻♀️
(& he has to wear a gag over his mouth!) then I’d be happy
The whole world: " No we don't."
The Hungarian to English phrasebook.
yours is fun, too.
It was a classic. 🤣
Roll tape when the time comes for a proper investigation
“I won’t forget it” is your legacy, John Roberts.
But…. Let’s play by the “rules”
Besides, he mocks the Bible and Christianity every day.
The Bible too.
He may think it’s akin to crossing fingers behind your back tho
He/she are nothing.
Harlem Crow was there.
Gasoline cars finance the corruption of our Supreme Court Justices! Remember that!