WATCH: “I cannot even begin to fathom coming home and telling my child they’re no longer welcome at their school.”
CHATTANOOGA folks passed out prayer requests at Senator Bo Watson’s church to pray for him to find the strength stop trying to bully undocumented kids out of schools.
CHATTANOOGA folks passed out prayer requests at Senator Bo Watson’s church to pray for him to find the strength stop trying to bully undocumented kids out of schools.
it's enough to see their actions to contradict their writings!
Some people still need to learn to spot that difference.
Suspicious as all heck. It gives off "keeps the mummified remains of mommy in the basement" vibes.
If the magic man in the sky wasn't bothered by World War 1 &2
Or the current invasion of Ukraine.
Or the millions dying from COVID-19
He sure ain't gonner be bothered by a few kids being denied school.
For when you can't be bothered to do anything less.
The cunts that are denying children education, food, security and healthcare are just cunts.
According to the myth, he, along with his family would have fled their homeland in order to escape political persecution. Does that sound about right?
* The Jewish messiah, not the orange one
Too rare these days.
*According to the myth
- somebody somewhere on the internet.
"But I feel in my heart that Jesus would want us to kick these (non-white) children out of our schools"
Christians have a RESPONSIBILITY to be a CHRISTIAN.
I posted today:
Children deserve to be protected, right Carole? And they deserve to grow up strong and smart.
That's what we want.
God hates it. It's defined and defiled His church in our country for centuries.
But white America loves it.
Call them racists. Pray they hear you. But even God Himself can't make them listen.
List of upcoming town halls in *red* states by *dem* leaders
God bless you & yours, and keep yall all the days of your lives
Read their thoughts:
"Oh crap, he was a loser and a bleeding liberal."
I'm certain they visualize their dear leader resembling the big guy in the sky.
We need more protests at churches, especially churches that are involved in politics.
The hypocrisy of the God-fearing "Christians" that make up the GOP is sick. They use Christianity as a weapon to spread their hatred & divide people.
This man is not a man of God.
We will be able to look Republicans in the eye and say "Your religion is complete shit if it allows you take away benefits for the most vulnerable in our society and instead give tax breaks to billionaires."
Got it kk
You know, where all the fighting and killing others was very fashionable. And all you had to do was burn Mary's Little Lamb so you would not.
Now they just air fry wings on Sunday.