SPOTTED: Pro-Glyphosate (Round-Up) Billboards are sprouting up around Tennessee, as Rusty Grills and the GOP push a bill to protect Bayer and other giant pesticide corporations from lawsuits by sick farmers.🤔🧑🌾
(In ag committee this week)
(In ag committee this week)
Has he got a mate Itchy Cobblers?? Dirty Dishes?? Unmade Bed??
Gotcha 👍
We must protect the bees. 🐝
How brave.
Like “corporations are people”(?)
fucking monsters
Interesting how the billboard says nothing about a 41% risk of mutations in human chromosomes, which can lead to NHL, when farmers are exposed to glyphosate!
ALWAYS CHECK to see who's paying for the ad.
It just doesn’t get any more hillbilly than that.
Cool cool ~ we should let criminals be their own judges too
people can say no. how do we get them to understand what this means?
(Its not just a porno name but its the worst possible porno name ever!)
From one Ghost to the next, we could do this for days, you know?
Did i tell you about the time i shot an elephant in my Pajamas?
Good job GOP!
If they lose access, Bayer loses billions, the farmers lose hundreds of millions, Louisiana loses a ton of jobs, and the states lose all associated tax revenue.
A beautiful chain of dominos. How do we help this happen?
Only 27% of farmland in the US is used for food tht goes to people.
And most of those farmers rely on government subsidies, immigrant labor, and banks loans for tools and equipment.
Trump has taken 2 of those things away...
Pretty hard to grow food without pollinators
I do not find this surprising, but truly disgusting 🤬
The absence of the shikimate pathway in animals has led to the conclusion that GBH does not pose a health risk to animals and humans [10].
Whose products are causing cancer and killing people
They are not working for you - They do not care about you
Call Rusty Grills at (615)741-0718 to sound off on this Tennessee legislation that protects pesticide giants and strips protections from local farmers!