As the astronauts have safely returning in a SpaceX capsule — including Tennessean Barry Wilmore — has now been highly politicized, some facts about what actually happened:
Elon is classless. Calling experienced astronaut Andreas Mogenson “retarded” and an “idiot” on twitter is simply childish.
You can't make this shit up.
the rest is right.
Parasite? Yup
I think you're wanted on unTruth Social. You certainly aren't wanted here. Scram MAGAt. We don't need fascist pestilence here.
That us musk/ trump BS
They punted to the government, who turned to Musk.
"I'm [X] Years Old. I've Learned All I'm Going To Learn. I'm Going To Believe What I Want To Believe."
A Real Challenge To Overcome.
Especially When It's A Family Member.
🇺🇸 🗽
Both agree to joint custody for purposes of screwing over Ukraine.
Trump and Musk are full oof shit!
just so bad.
Something-something, “Privatized space travel”, “Malfunction” something-or-other?
#MaAA Make amerikkka America Again❣️〜( ̄^ ̄)ゞ #NafoWorks
Musk and Trump really have an ego and lying problem.
I am glad SpaceX did such a great job getting them and getting them home.
Fuck Elon‼️
It's not political matter.
Simply Boeing had an issue and SpaceX helped NASA, that's it
Trump is unable to get BIDEN out of his head, is that not BDS or just insanity?
GD people, turn off Faux News.
Why you are angry about it
Against what you are angry?
It's not political matter at all.
Both Democrats & Republicans should celebrate it
I'm not defending anyone, just correcting misconceptions.
Maybe if we were funding NASA instead of letting Elon drain the treasury he wouldn't be able to play "hero" so easily.
Elon is hero, because of heroic act.
What exactly is the problem?
2 Astronauts were saved.
What exactly is the problem?
What's your point and what's the logic to criticize Elon who saved lives
Why saving lives is problem?
Nobody continue this comment chain. Bait doesn’t work if nobody responds. Everyone just have a nice day.
All of Elons claims fall apart with the most cursory of inspection.
Show me the fact, instead of your bs
Fact is 2 astronauts were saved by SpaceX ship delivered by SpaceX rocket.
What's the problem? Why Elon is bad on this matter?
Show the fact
He literally did nothing.
Why are you buying his constant stream of bullshit?
What an epic waste of innovative thought that could have been utilized for the good of humanity and instead has been harnessed by the worst of humanity