Kills me these people are shameless. When confronted by the very people they are supposed to represent they conveniently go blind, deaf, dumb to their constituents.
I hope people respond in the next voting cycle - you can’t possibly want this kind of representation.
I don't know if it's like this in every state but a governor's security is often state police officers or former state police. It's a security job, probably seen as an honor to be asked. I imagine it pays well. People who do jobs like this sometimes view politicians as all the same/just a job.
I used to work on local campaigns in the late 90s/early 2000s and I worked for candidates in 3 different parties. There's absolutely no way I could do it now.
I mean there's plenty of Black American police officers. They aren't going to give up their jobs just because a Republican or conservative or fascist got elected. Many of them share the same horrible sentiments. Black people are very diverse of thought. Many are wealthy and many are conservative.
All the officers protecting him should be ashamed of themselves. Anyone helping a traitor overturn the constitution and dismantle the government is a criminal in their own right.
Brown shirts are always brown shirts. They joined the police to control other people. The kids in my HS class that became cops were the worst kids in school. Bullies and assholes.
Yes! More of this! Every single politician needs to start fearing us more than anyone or anything else. Only then can we effect real and lasting change.
I have to admit that it’s pretty ironic that he was there in the first place. The current Republican party wouldn’t know liberty if it but them in the ass.
Just More shameless gaslighting than any sense of irony. They long ago mendaciously claimed the flag and role of defender of liberty but that should have been the end their viability as a political party but alas Americans are far too permissive of vile lies.
The only way to unseat violent dictators, is with violence; why are Americans still pretending that they have a democracy, and that shooting ‘booo’ will do anything whatsoever, other than give this dude something to laugh about when he gets back in his car 🤡
Failed CEO bought his way into Governors Mansion with hopes of running for President after Trump
So corrupt he shrugged off his underage son attempting twice to illegally vote on election day, claimed his 17 year old didn't know he was too young to vote 🙄
Not in a very satisfying splattery way, alas. Inconsistent watering will get you some blossom end rot, but zucchini are just not juicy enough for throwing fun.
Yes. When the Kentucky teachers protested we had the best chants AND choir teachers.Our signs were so🔥the KYGOP banned them . We weren't cut and paste majors and art teachers for nothing!
That's because she doesn't mean shit to him, and she's just playing cosplay in her handmaids tale outfit (others were too). Wives are property to them, and someone else will worry about her. He only ‘cares’ if she can perform her wifely duties, all of them, without complaint and on his schedule.
Idk, yes, but also the way she was steering him around through the crowd made her look like the handler, and him look like the sad puppy that needed saving.
Virginia Governor @GlennYoungkin (R) was elected promising to be a moderate Republican. But as governor, he is Trump MAGA ass kissing P.O.S. He can go straight to hell.
He’s a GOP maga cult member. Whether he is a congressperson or not I’ve seen their ilk get clowned on in front of their wives. Senators, VP, Reps, Governors. The only one with any balls is the senator in Alaska.
Judging from her facial expression, the lights are on but nobody is home. I think “touched in the head” is a prerequisite for women entering a GOP marriage.
"The Commander's Wife directs, pointing with her stick. Many of the Wives have such gardens, it's something for them to order and maintain and care for."
Great to hear. He's a Trump-wannabe. He's got money, he's power hungry, and he aligns very closely with the felon's right wing views. His political "career" needs to end now.
Seems like everyone on chat line can be charged under Espionage Act except Journalist. "Unauthorized Disclosure: When individuals with access to classified information leak that information to unauthorized persons, such as the media or foreign governments." EVERYONE LEAKED INFORMATION #WEARETHEFLOOD
Guess that’s what you get when the richest people spend the most money on buying “their” political representatives… snake (oil) sales to lube acts of congress
thanks for your descriptive imagery, there’s got to be a cartoonist out there to do it some justice #cartoonNeeded
I love this. He is the governor of my state and I hate him so much. Won’t say anything to help the thousands of DOGEd Virginians. Plenty of jobs here, he says. Yeah, plenty at minimum wage. Go to community college, he says. Learn new skills. He’s another millionaire with no compassion.
Reminds me of the Reagan depression. Thousands went from good paying jobs with benefits to minimum wage dead end jobs. But that was ok because it counted as a job when calculating unemployment levels. By the way, your unemployment was taxed for the first time. Thousands of jobs off shored!
Yup his wife insisted her security people were knowledgeable about horses… like she was Jackie Kennedy in Middleburg! What do you expect from the GOP these days? Elitism, no understanding of normal people. Got elected based on lies.
Well done! Bravo! 👏 👏👏 Looking for a protest in your area? The Big List of Protests is a fantastic resource. You can also add an event if you don’t see it listed. DO SOMETHING! Participate! You’ll feel better for it. Way better than doom scrolling! 😝
Somebody's scared to death. Twenty or thirty troopers so he can walk less than a hundred feet? There's your tax dollars hard at work. Keep up the protests, people, and VOTE BLUE up and down any future ballots. Use your power to send a clear msg. We are DONE with MAGA REPUBLICANS!
NO!!! Don't just vote Blue... That's the worst advice you could give ANYONE... 😭😭😭
Do you due diligence, research the candidates, take the time to KNOW... WHO... IT... IS... you are about to put in a position of power.
America has shown us they did not want a calmer, less radical version of Donald Trump. They wanted the crazy Uncle. We certainly don’t want Youngkin’s mega MAGA crazy Aunt in Virginia either.
It's not even being petty when y'all observe this because it's a sign she and others like her are not receiving the aesthetic care they would have if they had their community looking out for them, but since they're not about us,we're not about them.
Sears has done nothing to help fired fed workers who live in VA. She sent a tweet with all broken links to “help”. They think scientists, lawyers and other professional should take min wage jobs and will be just fine!
Elections are inherently flawed. This is shocking, but sometimes they return candidates from the other party! I am sure Trump and Musk can find a way to fix this 'problem'...
IF. It’s a big IF. Do they use the same voting machines? If so, fairness is already gone. Asking from across the Atlantic from somebody who has always loved America and the people I have met from there when they come over here. Fight the Fascists. No compromise possible.
As a software engineer... that removes one of many attack vectors. The code in the machines and for the final collation could be changed to ensure Republicans win, or the final collation software can be hacked.
Good to hear that. My concern is that if the Muskrats have been at them there’s patches been left in the programs. The bug may already be in there. Or possibly not.
Once they get to the car he suddenly notices wife is not there, says something to security and then they act they they were bringing her along all the time, meanwhile they left her behind.
Wow. That was rippin’ him a new one. I am very impressed as I thought Virginia was always drinking his koolaid (tell me otherwise as I’m following from Canada)
Va is pretty reliably blue for President now. We flipped our legislature and many local boards to D since 2017, and they are more reliably blue too. Youngkin pretended he was not maga and had a badly run Dem campaign by an entitled neoconservative Dem as competition.
I'm in Virginia. We are a very purple state. Northern VA tends to lean Democratic, but the more rural areas are Republican. We also have a lot of military here who tend to be red, but we're a pretty diverse state.
Abigail Spanberger! I helped her campaign get the petition/signatures she needed to get on the ballot. She's a wonderful person, and she's desperately needed in VA right now. Youngkin can't run again this year because of VA term limits, but the Repub options are equally terrible.
Politics is a cult here. Trump could have said he’d murder your firstborn the day he got into office and there are idiots who STILL would vote for him, because they are “diehard Republicans.” I wish I could say I am joking, but that’s literally how dumb so many Americans are.
It’s definitely changing in some areas. The first time I lived in Richmond I felt so out of place because I’m more liberal. That has changed a lot since I moved back. We have pockets of blue outside Northern VA. Rural area are definitely still republican/Trump. It’s an interesting state politically.
Both of our Senators are Democrats, too. I hope that with all that is going on politically that Virginia will become much more blue in the future. Governor’s race is coming soon.
Absolutely shameful.
Kidding... she knows who he is... so, she kinda did sign up for this.
Anyway, he gets what he deserves. People are pissed and their elected leaders are not listening to them.
Bravo folks, bravo.
I guess that would also be considered a hate/terrorist crime.
What is she fake smiling at
Only 46 to go!
I hope people respond in the next voting cycle - you can’t possibly want this kind of representation.
D’s the momentum is in your corner
Don’t blow it
Also, that was less than 2:00 minutes but it felt longer to me, I hope if felt like forever to him.
A 12 year old kid and a limping old fat guy?
Go Virginia!!
Do you know who else has security like this? Nazis.
🇺🇸. Deserves better
Neighbour 🇨🇦💪🏻🇨🇦📚🇬🇱🇵🇱💪🏻🗳️✅🇬🇱🇨🇦📚
'loyal supporters' should be 'gullible supporters'
Virginia should hire laid off or fired federal employees at state levels, or save some Fed jobs. House sale listings in VA is at its highest as Fed workers lose work.😔🥴
So corrupt he shrugged off his underage son attempting twice to illegally vote on election day, claimed his 17 year old didn't know he was too young to vote 🙄
But he tried again after being turned away
here it is again..
cat turds are perfect to hurl..
cheap and portable too
need no refrigeration
Hmmm… I wonder if zucchini can go rotten?
On the other hand, they do smell awful!
Maybe rotten apples? Plums?
Shame on you!
In solidarity!
Proud of my fellow Virginians.
No sympathies
Btw. Looks like you might also owned by a BC?
Youngkin is the biggest phony in the DMV
UK had just ruled that slavery was incompatible with English law, and slave owners in US were panicking.
Henry’s speech made his head slave flee, and he joined the British forces.
Says a lot to me.
thanks for your descriptive imagery, there’s got to be a cartoonist out there to do it some justice #cartoonNeeded
I’ve never seen a bigger flake hold that office in my 50 years living in this area.
Republicans are terrified
Do you due diligence, research the candidates, take the time to KNOW... WHO... IT... IS... you are about to put in a position of power.
Fairness doctrine must come back!
And booed at Glenn Youngkin.
He is one of the rich they would like to tax.
WHO you got to replace him??? Anyone good? Are they rallying? Are the people of V behind getting this wretch out of office?