Show of hands...How many of you are tired of Trump getting a pass for his patented blend of gibberish, personal attacks, and lies?
Reposted from
David @Unimatrix Zero
The media should give it a rest. There's been a drumbeat of calls for her to "be specific". Trump spent the week name-calling, going on incoherent rants, and claiming if he were POTUS this or that would never have happened. And the lies, my lord, the lies.
Worse, they listen to his gibberish, pick out 5 or 6 words to use as guideposts, and present a summary that makes sense. Motherfucker up there saying "Windmill cancer kills eagles. Is it worse to be electrocuted, or eaten by a shark?"
And a headline reads "Trump discusses energy policy."
But they get money showing drama so they won't stop. :/
The reporters should, after 2β3 tries, simply get up and walk away with an over-the-shoulder comment about the failure of the person in question to answer an essential question.