Lots of criticism of Nader’s 2000 presidential campaign but the broader philosophy of spending much more time attacking moderate Democrats than conservative Republicans that he pioneered long before that run totally dominates progressive thinking — an ethic of irresponsibility.
Who would have guessed?
Don't blame Ralph for Democrat's stupidity.
This entire campaign ad is basic, center-left, stuff.
Nader, Michael Moore & co snowed just enough voters under into believing the two candidates were the same. Oops.
You know what I'm talking about. Democrats ran their campaign as middle of the road as they possible could and the Left fucked them and they deserved the fucking. Obama ran to the Left and won. Hillary ran for the center and... lost. Every time.
Obama was not remotely a leftist. Biden was more leftist (eg walking a picket line; Obama would never)
After that, Dems ran to the center or right and now, if a Dem gets a vote out here it's probably a mistake.
> irresponsibility
(i) is there an objective measure?
(ii) what's the score for Republicans?
From outside, it's hard not to feel like it's the US political system that's irresponsible.
* prob not unconnected
The point isn't to time-waste, but pre-emptively signal disagreement and non-hostility/willingness to shift position.
But comp. to the US, UK voters are spoit for choice)
They were in government 2010-2015.
> We have the same choices you do
You absolutely do not.