I come from petty bourgeois family and will be a proletariat after my education so have start the class struggle early by read theory, that’s all I can do in my current situation but if you recommend me some action plan I will follow through so please guide your young comrade
The best thing I can recommend is to join local mutual aid organization. Step one is to join in the community to get your foot on the ground with the people taking action
I’m not sure where you live have you looked into your local community?
Sure, you’re going to run into those people who don’t actually care. People who don’t want to put in effort. That’s expected, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be open to someone because of their class background.
I’m not sure where you live have you looked into your local community?
Zhou Enlai also came from upper class.
However that doesn’t change the fact that he came from a wealthy background & literally became a revolutionary.
Fidel came from wealth.
Engels came from wealth.
You’re misunderstanding a meme.
In my old party the struggle was to get the rich kids to show up. Well read but fucking lazy