In other news my poor 6 year old laptop's keyboard is now so busted I have to plug my external keyboard in to type, and the trackpad is going too- that plus bad battery and cracked screen its had for 4 years mean I need to replace it soon but I've been trying to get as much life out of it as I can!
Remove the screen and lid. Toss it.
Disconnect the trackpad from the motherboard
Put the lidless, display-less laptop under a keyboard stand
Put external keyboard on keyboard stand
Connect laptop to a monitor.
You now have a keyboard PC.
But at the same time, yeah, you can get a modern art-tablet 2-on-1 laptop with ~30GB of RAM and 256GB of storage for $350. XD
That sounds like a good deal! 👀
I personally love the ASUS ROG Strix GL502VMK, but it's an Intel gen below yours, and 8th made huge improvements to speed; I'd love to know your model so I can check out the specs!!
Spouse uses this program for their file work. I've tried it a few times and it does a pretty decent job.