Oh bless you, I hope you're not at the top Jill. That said, it's got to be better than a hostel. That's no place for anyone least of all with a young child. I really hope you find somewhere soon xxx
We moved today Nicola. No more taxis to and from school. And we'll be here until the council give us somewhere permanent. Xxxx 😘😍👍🤗 are you completely settled in now?
Oh Jill I'm so incredibly happy for you and us. Yes we've really made this house our home now. It's such a lovely quiet place we live in now. So much more a village than before. We even have church bells ring regularly. I really hope you can find a home soon as well sending all my love 💕💖😘
It's got a lift (I hate lifts) and I go dizzy if I look down. The flat has internal steep stairs with half a bannister. But, I can't say anything or we'll be back in a hotel. 😢I've fallen a few times.
I hate those half hand rails. I've just added a bit to your https://gofund.me to cover the cost of something like these that may help if the wall is smooth. Best wishes to both of you
Ew, that hald bannister doesn't pass muster! I remember being put on a stool in the middle of a lift in a shop as a kid. I was terrified. One of the old gated ones. Hopefully those in the flat are fairly quick and steady. Do take care of yourself. Fingers crossed for somewhere permanent soon.
That or a phone call from the radio station. It's £102,000 today. That would buy is a place in the shire where we could rake the hens (absolute heaven to me n indi). Have a marvellous Monday. Xxx